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Version: 5.33.0

Live selection

The component can operate in two modes that depends on whether the picker renders a Set button or not. When there is no Set button rendered, the picker operates in a "live" selection mode. What is selected on the UI, gets written into the input element and the model immediately. When there is a Set button rendered, the selection on the UI becomes temporary as long as the Set button is not clicked.

The default of the rendered buttons depend on the display and the touchUi options, but can be overwritten with the buttons option. For the center, top and bottom display modes and also for the anchored when the touchUi option is true (mobile), there is a Set button rendered by default. For the inline display mode and also for the anchored when the touchUi options is false (desktop), there will not be a Set button rendered.

When needed, the temporary value mentioned above can be queried using the getTempVal and set using the setTempVal methods of the component instance.

Furthermore the onTempChange event is raised whenever the temporary value changes.