In object-oriented programming (OOP), an instance is a specific realization of a class. Similarly, in the scope of the Mobiscroll library, a component instance is a realization of the component class.
The instantiation (the creation of objects from a class) in case of the Mobiscroll components is done by the React framework, and accessing the component instances are only needed in a few specific cases.
Getting the instance
Inside events
A reference to the component instance is available in every Mobiscroll event as the second argument of the event handler.
function App() {
const myHandler = (args, inst) => {
console.log('The Eventcalendar instance:', inst);
return <Eventcalendar onEventCreate={myHandler} />
Using refs
To get the instance of a component there is a special prop called ref
and a hook useRef
. These two are usually used toghether to obtain a reference to a DOM element, but it can also be used to obtain a reference to the Mobiscroll component instances.
import { useRef } from "react";
import { Eventcalendar } from "@mobiscroll/react";
function App() {
const myRef = useRef(null);
return <Eventcalendar ref={myRef} />
The useRef
hook returns an object with a "current" property that holds the actual value of the ref after it is available.
Calling methods
Calling the instance methods should be necessary only in a few selected cases. Almost every case can be solved with passing props to the component and using it's events rather than calling instance methods. Before implementing a solution, please take into consideration using props and events first.
All the component methods are documented on each components API section. The methods can be called on the component instances as described in the previous section.
Example: Getting invalid dates for a date range
One such a case when you might need to call an instance method would be to get the invalid data for a time period from the eventcalendar. Since the invalid data you pass to the Eventcalendar can contain recurring rules, you need a way to calculate the actual occurences. Luckily the Eventcalendar has a method that will return the actual occurences for a time period.
const invalidsArray = [
start: '2023-10-18',
allDay: true,
recurring: {
repeat: 'weekly',
weekDays: 'MO,FR,SA',
interval: 1
To get the actual invalid days for the month of November, you can call the getInvalids
method of the Eventcalendar instance.
<Eventcalendar ref={myCalRef} invalid={invalidsArray} />
const getOccurences = () => {
const occurences = myCalRef.current.getInvalids('2023-11-01', '2023-12-01');
return occurences;
The result in this case will be an array of objects, each of them being an occurence of an invalid day in November.
Here's the example as a whole:
import { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { Button, Eventcalendar } from '@mobiscroll/react';
function App() {
const myCalRef = useRef(null);
const [invalidsArray] = useState([{
start: '2023-10-18',
allDay: true,
recurring: {
repeat: 'weekly',
weekDays: 'MO,FR,SA',
interval: 1
const getOccurences = () => {
const occurences = myCalRef.current.getInvalids('2023-11-01', '2023-12-01');
return occurences;
const logOccurences = () => {
return <>
<Button onClick={logOccurences}>Log</Button>
<Eventcalendar ref={myCalRef} invalid={invalidsArray} />